

The last generation of television youth has already crossed puberty, succeeded in malls and 7-11 parking lots and all-ages clubs by a group of kids raised on YouTube and Facebook and texting. It's been a long time since anyone rushed home after school for Gilligan's Island or zonked for most of a summer in front of MTV. All this is a way of saying that Sonic Avenues' really excellent album Television Youth is an anachronism, not just in its musical references - The Jam, The Clash, The Only Ones and certain harder-edged elements of The Kinks - but in its way of looking at the world. It's just not the same being a punk kid in a dead-end town anymore. No matter where you live, no matter how far away the nearest rock club or comic book store, there are kids just like you at the other end of your Wi-Fi connection. It's harder work to be alienated. The romantic figure at the center of pop-leaning punk - from The Clash's Jimmy Jam to Green Day's St. Jimmy to The Exploding Hearts' pretender - isn't up against the world by himself anymore. Not that Sonic Avenues haven't made a terrific set of songs, a punching, pounding document of late adolescent angst. Television Youth is harder, sharper, stronger than the Avenues earlier material, stripped of the meandering psychedelics of their 2006 September Sessions and the lazy, hazy harmonies of their self-titled EP. The band, out of Montreal, has learned the trick of slipping in sugary tuneful-ness without breaking momentum, so that you can hum most of these songs in the shower, even though they're shouted en masse on record. The guitar work is particularly fine, slashing down the power chords and letting them ring in epic, anthemic triumph. The vocals, too, are more striking than you'd expect, the main line ornamented, in many cases, by descants and contrary flourishes. And most of all, the band plays with razory sharpness, running fast and hard, but never sloppy. You'll hear no dangling ends or false starts here.

Titel: Television Youth
Label: Dirtnap
Stil: Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Best-Nr.: ZZZ-109
Typ: LP
Preis: 24.- CHF

SONIC AVENUES - Television Youth

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Givin' up on you
Throw it Away
Television Youth
Late Summer Goner
Ocd Vibes

Waste Away Alone
Fadin' Luv
Static Atraction
Back up Back Down
Always Looking Down

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